Environmental Sustainability Statement

Environmental Sustainability Statement

We are dedicated to improving the environment by managing waste, cutting emissions, and using natural resources wisely. We also encourage our partners to join us in these efforts and we support industry initiatives on environmental sustainability.

Even though our direct environmental impact is relatively small, our office use and regulatory work consume some resources. We're committed to using those resources responsibly.

Here's how we're working to minimize our footprint:

Raising Awareness and Promoting Responsible Actions

We keep our team informed about environmental issues and encourage responsible behaviour through strong leadership, open communication, and setting good examples.

Supporting Sustainable Work Practices

Climate change is a pressing issue. We're committed to reducing our carbon emissions to help combat it. In 2022, we started hybrid work schedules and closed the office one day a week to shrink our carbon footprint. We support sustainable work habits, including:

  • Cutting energy use through sensor lighting, efficient water systems, and closing the office one day every week.
  • Encouraging water conservation.
  • Promoting waste reduction, reuse, and recycling.
  • Buying sustainable office furniture.
  • Reducing plastic use by installing water feeds, and switching to reusable bottles, cups, and utensils.
  • Using technology to reduce business travel.
  • Planning efficient meetings that minimize paper use and consider the environmental impact of travel.
  • Making purchasing decisions that consider the environment.

We work with our landlord and fellow tenants to explore sustainability projects for our shared office space.

Building a Greener Cash Industry

While cash use is decreasing, we're dedicated to making it as sustainable as possible:

  • We're part of the UK Cash Industry Environment Charter group.
  • A strong cash network is vital for consumers and the environment, as it supports local access and reduces travel for businesses. We've researched ways to lower the cash industry's carbon footprint which can be found here.

We comply with all environmental laws and sustainability commitments.
